Gaia Bumi Raya City
PLTS Atap & Carport System
1,491 kWp total capacity
Industry: Shopping Center
Location: West Kalimantan
Gaia Bumi Raya City is the greenest mall in Kalimantan, led by owners who are green leaders. Among other sustainable operations, they wanted to install the 1st solar PLTS system among malls in Kalimantan to enhance their branding and achieve significant cost savings.
The PLTS system is comprised of both a rooftop and carport installation - where the carport roof is made of bifacial solar panels that absorb sunlight from both the top and bottom.
Gaia Bumi Raya City's PLTS system uses a variety of mounting systems optimized for their roof (ballast & clip-lock mounting). The installation is also the first in Indonesia that uses more efficient N-type solar cells.

Electricity Generated
66,425,376 kWh